
Sunday, December 31, 2006

First steps

It makes me really excited to write my first blog. Blogging has become a real craze now a days. we have popular Indian bloggers like Amit Agarwal who writes blogs on tech topics for the layman. He has even made it to a news report on a popular Indian news channel! I should say that his blogs played a major role in motivating me to start writing this blog.

Now lets come to the point right away. As stated in the brief on the top of the page, I'll be telling you about the hobby of Shortwave Radio Listening, DXing(SW Dx, FM Dx & MW Dx), Ham(Amateur) Radio, DRM, Radio Receivers, Cool Radio Programmes, Links to Great Radio Websites, Tuning Tips, Frequencies and schedules of radio broadcasts to India, collecting QSL cards and Media News in general- All with an Indian touch.

Shortwave radio listening is not a very popular hobby in India. The reasons are many but not limited to non availability of quality shortwave receivers and radio related books(like World Radio TV Handbook, Passport to Worldband Radio), a perception that Radios are meant to be listened to by the old, dominance of cable TV in disseminating news and entertainment and the reluctance of the Government of India to allow foreign broadcasters to setup their rebroadcasting facilities in India.

Over the coming weeks, I'll take you through the fascinating world of shortwave radio listening and related topics; Its past, present and future. I'll consider my mission as accomplished if i motivate at least a few of you to turn to shortwave hobbyists.

1 comment:

weatherall said...

I found your blog through It's good to see more people discussing the shortwave hobby. I'll be interested to hear about shortwave from your perspective in India.

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